Windows 10: move windows between virtual desktops without Vista …

Windows 10 virtual desktops have not changed much over the years. They are more or less the same way they were when they were originally introduced. This is despite the fact that there is a possibility that the function is really useful. Now you are at hand with virtual desktops in macOS.

You can move any application or a single application window from one desktop to another, but you have to go through the task view to do so. If you want to move windows between virtual desktops without Task View, you can install a superlight File Explorer extension called MovetoDesktop.

Total scan virus

Before proceeding, we have to warn you that this application was marked by six antivirus applications / services when it was scanned in VirusTotal. That said, it has a positive inclination rating from the community. The tests showed that it is not malicious in any way.

Part of its "evil" can be attributed to the fact that the application does not have much user interface. With this in mind, try this application at your own risk. It's open source, so if you understand the code, you can take a look at what's going on under the hood.

Move windows between virtual desktops in Windows 10

Download and run MovetoDesktop. You will not see any indication that the application is running. As mentioned in the previous section, it does not have its own user interface. Make sure you have at least one virtual desktop.

Open any application of your choice, right-click on its title bar and you will see the option "Move to" in the context menu. Select the desktop to which you want to move the window.

The window will move to the desktop you selected and you will not have to go through the task view at all. This works in both desktop applications such as File Explorer, Control Panel and VLC player, as well as in UWP applications such as Netflix, Skype and Slack.

Since MovetoDesktop has no user interface, you may want to know how you can exit the application. There is not even an icon in the system tray that you can access.

To exit the application, open Task Manager and look for MovetoDesktop in the Processes tab. If you have trouble finding it, press the M key repeatedly to scroll through all the processes that start with the letter `M '. When you find MovetoDesktop, click on the End Task button at the bottom.

If you accidentally executed the application's EXE more than once, you will have to exit it the same number of times. For each time the application runs, there will be a separate process for it in the Task Manager.

To check if it has closed, right-click on the title bar of any window and the Move to option will no longer appear there.