As you know especially Telegram that you use regularly, earlier this year surprised us with update incorporating the fun stickers , a supplement that goes beyond non- always less funny emoticons. The stickers Telegram gave new life to our conversations, so today we’ll show where to find and how to add stickers Telegram .
Said update was not a simple addition of stickers (there were 14 at first), but developers opened the doors to that anyone who wanted to, go up your own creations , which has made today, those catorces have become hundreds. Such was the importance that claimed that a few months later after a new update the stickers Telegram already had its own tab within the application , making it much more comfortable to use.
Thus, as we told you, I will teach find and new instalarr stickers in Telegram , so you can have much more variety and be convulsed to your contacts like never here we go :
Where to find stickers to Telegram
moment there is no official directory in which all packets are collected. However, there are sites that are being organized so that everyone has access to them. Possibly the most important is that we find on Reddit, where are collected the best stickers network, with packs famous people, from series like Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad or The Simpsons game like Super Mario Bros. and Pokemon, or the mythical “memes” , among many others.
Reddit | Index stickers Telegram
Adding stickers in Telegram
To install stickers new in Telegram , we have several alternatives. For example, if we go to one of those threads that you have indicated Reddit, inside we find a link that will take you to the page to add the pack stickers . This page will always have the format “” . When we access, we will see a button that says “Add stickers” and to give, we will open Telegram, where we were given the option to add. In this example, we add the pack Animals:
Yes, it is noteworthy that at least so far, only in this way can add from a mobile device application installed Telegram, Telegram or from a computer desktop , but not from the web version. However, once we added Web Telegram also appear.
Another option is that somebody send us the address of the packet . Pressing, will not go to that direction, but we will see the option to add directly. This will work both in the application, as in the desktop program and also in the Web version of Telegram.
Now, you know how to find and install new stickers to Telegram , the instant messaging service that continues to grow apace, and last month reached the figure of 62 million active users. Since then, things how are you only serve to increase their added value, but for now, remains far from other messaging options like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger , as users are concerned.
And you do you think? Head over Where to find and install stickers for Telegram to leave your mark.
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