The best tips and tricks to upload the best photos to Instagram

The best tips and tricks to upload the best photos to Instagram

Highlighting on Instagram is not easy, we are talking about one of the most important social networks and with more users in the world. This is why we have decided to give you 8 excellent tips or tricks to edit and publish photos like a professional on Instagram.

1. Make sure you have adequate lighting

If you want to post a perfect image on Instagram, you must ensure that the photo is well lit. Always remember that lighting is the key to the perfect photo. Regardless of the type of photography, if you don’t have good lighting, it won’t stand out.

Whenever possible, choose natural light over artificial light. If you are outdoors, the best time to schedule your photo sessions is early in the morning or late in the afternoon. The natural lights during these times of the day are beautiful and can really improve the photos.

2. Use strong shapes, colors and lines

Your Instagram photos must have defined lines, shapes and strong colors to stand out from other photos. This is the best way to get public attention.

Try to get a sharp contrast on the object you want to highlight and what is in the background.

3. Always use the grid as a reference

Try to successfully align all the elements of the image to get the perfect Instagram photo.

You should carefully observe all the overlapping elements on the screen of your phone until you find the exact midpoint of the image. Take the photo once you successfully find the center of it. Regardless of the type of photography, the grid function can really improve the overall impact of the image.

4. Take your time

Instead of taking hundreds of photos without even blinking as most do, look for the best result taking every detail into account, lighting, angle, contrast, and so on. Remember that The one who uploads more photos to Instagram does not stand out, but the one who uploads the best quality photos.

5. Use editing applications to obtain the desired result

Sometimes, Instagram editions alone are not enough to get the image quality we want. Even Professional photographers use these editing tools in each of their photos.

In this article we leave you the best applications to edit photos from your Android phone. Most of them are very easy to use and do not require much knowledge.

6. Don’t edit too much

Many times, people tend to edit their images too much. But what they don’t understand is that The over edition can make the photo not attractive or lose quality.

The basic edition includes adjustments with contrast, shadows, warmth and brightness. And although they are basic editions, exaggerating them can drastically affect the image quality. It becomes unattractive and loses its natural appearance.

7. Add effects or filters

The effects and filters are ideal for people who have little or no knowledge in editing. You can update and improve the quality of your photo by adding various effects and filters.

You can experiment with different effects and filters until you get the desired results. But remember not to use the filters at maximum intensity. Sometimes, less is more.

8. Practice makes the teacher

Perfection is not achieved overnight. You need to practice day after day. Always be prepared to capture the best moments that happen around you. To get the best possible results, you can try to take pictures of the same object from several angles.

If you follow all these tips in a short time you will see how your photos begin to stand out from other users. An Instagram profile with thousands or millions of followers can leave you a lot of money.