Learn how to use the new Youtube Creator Studio

The new Creator Studio YouTube has left the beta version and is now the default study for all users. It is designed very differently and has many more features and analyzes for you to examine.

The Creator Studio Youtube dashboard

The board is not very useful in its current state. Right now, it just shows how well your last video is doing, as well as an overview of your channel. There are more cards for YouTube news and your Creator Insider newsletter, which seems to be taking up space.

We hope YouTube will add more cards and the ability to customize the board in the future. Until then, you probably want to move lower in the sidebar to find something useful.

The new analysis page

Perhaps the biggest and best change in the new study, the Analytics page is a significant update of the terrible analytics that YouTube used to have. The old analyzes were not very detailed and it took a day or two to update.

The new analytical update is mainly done in real time, faster than the number of video views. Anything that is not a real-time update per hour, except revenue, which usually takes a day to calculate for themselves.

The summary page is the first thing you will see. This shows basic statistics about your channel on a chart over time. The default period is "Last 28 days", but you can change the time interval in the menu in the upper right corner.

The graphic is divided into four tabs, among which you can change to your liking. All other analysis pages are presented in the same way, with multiple graphs on each topic. You can also hover over the graph to see the specific statistics for that day.

Below is the "Reach Viewers" tab that includes statistics on impressions and the click rate, but that is very well summarized in this graph under the main graph.

This pyramid of impressions, views and watch time is essentially how the YouTube algorithm works. Maximize the clickthrough rate and average view duration, and YouTube will give you more impressions, which will give you more views, which will give you more viewing time. The observation time is the only thing that matters, not the views; After all, if someone stays longer on YouTube, they are exposed to more ads.

The next tab is «Interest Viewers», which tracks the average duration of the views.

There is a card at the bottom that shows which final screen videos work best, but other than that, it is not the most useful of the pages.

The "Build an audience" tab displays statistics about viewers and tracks subscribers. It's nice to see the demographics of your viewers, but this page is mostly static.

It is possible that the Revenue tab is the one that you click most often. It shows several statistics about the monetization of your channel, how many viewers see ads in your videos and how much you earn for every thousand views (CPM).

It is important to note here that your CPM is not your actual CPM. It's based on the number of monetized views that YouTube gives you, which is only a small percentage of your opinions. Therefore, mathematics does not make sense if only the CPM is multiplied by the views.

The default time interval for this tab is still "Last 28 days", which is not what you might want. Since Adsense pays only once a month for everything you did that month, you will want to change it to the current month to see how much you have done since your last paycheck.

The new list of Youtube videos

Click on the "Videos" button in the sidebar to navigate to the list of videos. This page shows an overview of all your videos, including the views, the number of comments and likes, and other information.

A change from the old study is that the uploads are separated from live broadcasts. You will have to click on the «Live» tab to find your previous live videos, which are arranged in the same way as your uploads.

To see more information about a video, click on the thumbnail or title of the list.

The new page of details of the video is quite different. The sidebar will change and you will see the video thumbnail at the top. You will find known options to change the title and description, and below you will find options to change the thumbnail, the labels, the visibility and the final screens of your video.

In the sidebar, you will see three main pages, the first of which is the specific video analytics.

This page is similar to the main analysis page, but has some specific video options. A useful addition is the audience retention chart: you can see where people stop watching or skip, which is useful to find what your viewers like.

Below is the editor page, which contains a very basic video editor. It is not possible to edit videos after loading them, so this editor only contains options to cut or blur the content that is already in the video or to add music (or beeps).

Next, the Comments tab, which replaces the Community tab of the old study. This shows specific video comments and allows you to respond to the people in the study.

To see the new comments, click on the sort button in the top right and click on "New comments". You can also search for comments with the filter box, or see comments that YouTube considers spam (which sometimes includes innocent people posting links, so it's worth reviewing them from time to time).

Other features

In addition to videos and analysis, you will find options for monetization, channel configuration, copyright settings and configuration for the moderators of your community. The study is quite extensive, so look for yourself to get an idea of ​​where everything is.

Most of the other scenarios and pages of the old creator control panel have been merged into the new studio. Anything that is still missing, you will find it in the «Other features» tab of the main sidebar, and you can use the classic studio until YouTube deals with creating new versions of them.

If you do not like it, you can change again

If you are completely opposed to the change, you can go back to the «Classic» study. You just have to click on the «Creator Studio Classic» button at the bottom of the sidebar of the new studio. This will set the Classic study as the default, but you can always use the new one by selecting "Studio Beta" in the account menu.