As you will know, the most popular social network continues its fight against harassment and cyberbullying; better known as bullying. Instagram has launched an artificial intelligence (AI), which warns users that a comment that is about to be published can be offensive.
In addition, another tool allows users to block and eliminate anyone with whom they do not want to have contact.
Instagram would stop being a network for abusers and stalkers
As you may know, cyberbullying or bullying is a common problem on the internet. And coupled with this, Instagram is one of the most used social networks for this type of harassment. That is, this social network is used by bullies.
And this happens because the platform is the most used among young users. And this has encouraged the social network to do everything possible to avoid this type of behavior of its users.
But this is not new, since long ago, Instagram has taken certain measures to combat bullying. In addition, he has released a guide for parents to help them, as well as their children to understand what cyberbullying is. And in addition, this guide helps them fight it effectively.
It should be noted that, if this type of bad behavior reaches extreme levels; It can leave sequels among people suffering from bullying. Among the most dangerous sequels are the physical, mental and emotional ones.
So the victims of bullying on Instagram often choose to take extreme and deadly measures. All because they cannot overcome the episodes of cyberbullying to which they have been subjected. And this includes bullying in general.
Is there any way to stop or avoid cyberbullying?

The social network is increasing prevention measures with two new tools to avoid cyberbullying. And we know this thanks to the publication of Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram on the platform's blog. In this article, he explains in detail how these tools work.
It should be noted that, although they are not the perfect tools, much less, they are expected to be effective and generate a very positive impact.
The first tool focuses on generating purely positive interactions. This is because Instagram is already using Artificial Intelligence to detect episodes of cyberbullying; in addition to other offensive content after they have been published in user profiles.
The new enhanced Artificial Intelligence may even detect such comments or potentially offensive content before bullies can publish it on the social network.
In this way, the potential stalker will see a message asking if you really want to post a comment or harmful content. The idea behind this tool is to embarrass users and force them to be friendlier on the social network.
This with the objective that they do not publish more comments and offensive and harmful content, which will make them publish more pleasant things and that neither offend nor abuse others.
In the same way, the other tool is called «Restrict», which will help users to protect their accounts when they are suffering from cyberbullying. This tool aims at restricting them, they can only see their own posts on your profile and from nobody else. And they won't know when you're active on Instagram.
This tool has been developed in order to help users who are suffering from some type of harassment; but they are afraid to denounce, block or stop following cyberbullying. And all this in case the situation gets worse.
This tool will also help protect you if the person who is harassing you, you know it in real life, outside the networks.
Can you protect yourself from cyberbullying?
The first tool, which warns you of posting offensive things, is being implemented right now. As well as Restrict will be implemented in the coming months. Thus, Instagram could be a very nice social network for all users, which are millions around the world.
Thus, Instagram raises the possibility that you fully enjoy this social network. Without fear or without having to endure bullies or cyberbullying. Thus, you can also change the behavior of people in social networks. And coupled with this, they can also behave better outside of them.