How to use the Instagram chat tag

The incorporation of the chat tag, the latest added to the Instagram Stories feature. Brings the capabilities of the social media application. And for that, we will tell you how it works.

With the chat tag it is easier to connect with your friends

Similarly, Instagram has introduced a new chat tag that allows users to DM group conversations. All this within the Stories. The announcement of the function, as an ironic note, has come from Twitter.

Like the questionnaires and question boxes that were added last year. The last tag is another feature of Stories, which encourages your friends and followers to interact with your posts.

Likewise, with the “Chat” label, it provides a vehicle to measure interest in certain topics among your followers. For example, if you are following the Women's World Cup and want to share relevant memes. And combine emotion with other fans, you could post a chat tag in your story. With a related image, of course, and also, ask your followers to participate in a conversation.

Also, the chat tag also works to organize social outings. As well as, share thoughts about cult television programs. And start that book club that you always said you would do.

Instagram chat tag promises to be attractive

Similarly, Instagram messaging is already one of the popular features of the application. But this new tag may be more attractive to users while connecting better with other capabilities of the central Instagram platform.

It seems that Instagram is slowly implementing the new feature for its mobile users. So when you can access it. You'll want to know what to do with her. This is how this tag works.

Add an image to your story

You can also do it by taking a photo inside Stories or loading one from the camera roll of your mobile. Similarly, the image should probably have something to do with the chat you have set out to create. But each to his own.

Select the chat tag

In fact, in the upper right corner of Instagram Stories, you'll see the label icon to the left of the pencil. You must click on it and a menu of stickers will appear.

Also, what you are looking for is a tag that says “chat,” with a blue message icon. When you select it, it should appear at the top of your image and give you the option to “name the chat”. When you're satisfied, add your post to your story.

See requests

When your friends and followers see your story, they can click on the "join the chat" tag. This to request an invitation to the DM conversation. If you go through your story (where you see who saw it), you will now see a list of users who requested to join the chat.

Start a DM group

Finally, while you are in the Stories, you can select so many (if not all), the users who sent requests and start a new chat with them. Therefore, it is really very simple.