How to send GIF in Telegram

If you’ve updated Telegram now you can send GIFs, and after many requests from users in the comments below we’ll see how to send GIF in Telegram. The truth is that it is very simple because we don’t even have to leave the app, but so early you are not fortune teller to know how this is done. We will tell you very quick, so don’t stop sending GIFs. We started with the tuto.

Send GIF in Telegram

If you have Telegram updated (same from the Google Play because the GIFs have been with us), the only thing you have to do to send GIF in Telegram is the following that we will show in the images, so that in less than a few seconds you will be sending gifs.

enviar gif telegram

  • Open any conversation > type @gif.

If you write @gif and a space, you will see gifs. If you write @gif (and whatever you want), you will see that you’re looking for. For example, we have tested with @gif Android, and the result will not have much to do with what we were looking for (it appears a Apple Watch), but surely you have more luck. You can try with @gif Atleti, @gif elrubius, @gif cat and everything you want.

There is a collection of GIF huge, and in addition there are many well-known characters. As you advancement, you will find animations that don’t you think that might be, but you have to search well because the finder of gifs is the key. Again, you only have to do the above because as soon as you put @gif and a space you will be some, unless you indicate otherwise.

How do I see the GIF?

From the Settings of the Telegram you can activate “autoreproducción GIF“, but, you can give yourself on top of the GIF to play it. Any of the options that you choose will be fine, I think by default is already enabled, but it will be as easy as going to the settings and choose the behavior ourselves.

What are your gifs favorites? have You managed to send gif in Telegram? Great work you have done guys of Telegram with this update. I tell you, they take time with us, but if you don’t wise to use it now hope to have helped you.