WordPress it has become one of the most used content or CMS managers on the network. It is not for nothing that most blogs and known pages make use of this software (including Duopc), and that its diverse possibilities place it as one of the best in its category among many other alternatives. If you have any hosting service in the contracted network, surely you have ever asked yourself how you can Install WordPress manually in a hosting with their respective domain. Today we will show you how to do it in a few steps.
How to install WordPress on a server
Install WordPress on a server Networking is as easy as following a series of relatively simple steps. Generally, the different hosting services have options for install WordPress in a couple of clicks, but it is not recommended if we want to perform a custom installation or transfer an earlier version.
In the event that you have decided to install WordPress manually In your hosting, you will have to follow a series of previous steps to prepare the reception of the aforementioned CMS. Namely, they are the following:
- Create a database in our hosting
- Get the file exchange data via FTP from our hosting
- Transfer the WordPress files to our hosting
- Connect the installation of WordPress with the database created
If you have not understood anything of what I have just explained, do not worry: all these steps will be described in the video that we leave below. However, before getting down to work it will be necessary to download a couple of files previously. First of all and how could it be otherwise, the aforementioned WordPress CMS, which we can find in the Official WordPress page. Secondly, some program of file exchange through FTP. In this case we will use the well-known program Filezilla due to its simplicity of use, but you can download the one you prefer. Once you have downloaded the respective files and installed the exchange software via FTP, proceed with the steps described above.