Files of Telegram, where are saved?

Where the Telegram files are saved. Telegram is getting to the order of the day and many people consider a very good second option, I among them, many people in my environment have asked me where it saves Telegram multimedia files, both received and sent.

Where Telegram files are saved If you are in Telegram and have just received a photograph, you simply have to enter Pictures > Menu > device folders. Once inside the folders of the device, here you will find all the folders … the camera, WhatsApp, Telegram, screenshots and other apps. Here you will find everything you have to do with photographs, so you won’t have to worry about it (you’ll have everything by hand and fast to find).

We recommend that you step back in the cloud whenever you have Wi-Fi. It will do you good to save space in the terminal, because the photos, especially are in great quality, is what most occupies.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁

Another more complete option

Now I’m going to tell you where you can find all the Telegram files. Log in to Telegram and click the attachment icon > file. Here you will see the Telegram folder of your smartphone where everything is stored, by default is something like /storage/emulated/0/Telegram. Here you will see the folders of Telegram Audio, Telegram documents, Telegram images and Telegram Video. In these folders you will find all the types of files you have shared by Telegram.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁

These two options work pretty well. None of them have any waste. If you want to find your photos fast you know where to go. The other files, you will need to move through the storage of the root of the smartphone, in the folder of Telegram. No loss.

In Android, Telegram saves the files received in /sdcard/Android/data/org.telegram.messenger/cache/.