Dr.fone, perform downgrades to your Apple devices easily

It is no secret to anyone that you may experience problems with your Apple computers when you upgrade the operating system to iOS 13 Beta. This happens because the software stops being stable and all sorts of problems begin to manifest themselves. The best you can do in this case is a iOS downgrade, which will allow you to return to a stable version and it is precisely here where dr.fone is very useful.

What's happening with iOS 13 Beta and why do you need dr.fone?

The latest version of iOS 13 Beta is presenting multiple flaws and the whole community of users have been complaining about it. Thus, the best solution to be able to get rid of all the inconveniences, is to return to an earlier version of the mobile operating system.

However, performing a downgrade is not an easy task and that is why for greater security, you can use dr.fone. The program will help you in each of the steps you must perform to execute a downgrade. This is how you can do everything in a really safe way and your mobile will remain intact, so you will not lose any vital information.

You can make backup copies before performing the downgrade

This point is of the utmost importance for dr.fone, since with the program you can safely save each of your photos, messages, contacts, videos and important files. In addition, the software will prevent the process of returning to an earlier version of iOS from being made in the wrong way.

Something very important that you must not forget is that, when you make a downgrade and accounts with a backup, you can recover all your information without problems. Literally, you will have it at the distance of a click.

Watch out! The downgrade has a time limit

This step is very important when executing a downgrade on your Apple devices. You should always make sure that you will return to a version that is really stable and that has not presented any type of failure. This is how you can get your teams to enjoy error-free software.

Now, there are certain very important points that you must know so you can carry out the downgrade with dr.fone without any inconvenience. Pay a lot of attention:

  • In the case that you have a beta version of iOS 13, you can make your downgrade whenever you want. There is no time limit.
  • If your Apple computers have a stable version of iOS 13, once you have installed that version, you will have 14 days available to downgrade to iOS 12. If the 14 days pass, you will not be able to go back to an old software. Do not forget.
  • A very important point to consider, is that at the moment there is only the beta version of iOS 13, so you can make the downgrade when you want. The stable software will go on the market, very possibly in the month of September.

Which version of iOS is the correct one to make the downgrade?

We repeat it again, the correct thing is that you can make a downgrade to a stable version of iOS, otherwise the work will be in vain. Now, in case you find yourself with iOS 13 Beta, you can only return to the stable version before that, so you can not go back to an older one.

What you can do is return to iOS 12.3, since that version was released by Apple on May 13, 2019. Despite this, you have nothing to worry about because iOS 12.3 is a totally stable software and will work perfectly on any of your iOS devices.

How does dr.fone work?

The goal of dr.fone is to make the downgrade process of your Apple devices really easy. For this, once you have the program, what you have to do is very easy. Everything at the distance of a click.

  • First, you must connect your Apple computer to the computer and then activate dr.fone.
  • Now, you must click on the "Repair" module. Afterwards, you will have to go to the iOS repair section.
  • Then you will select one of the available modes and you will have to confirm your selection by choosing the version of iOS 12 that is enabled. Finally, click on «Start».
  • Now dr.fone will do its job to execute the downgrade. The program will download the firmware compatible with your iOS device.

With dr.fone you can also do many more things

Dr.fone not only serves to perform downgrades, but you have a set of useful functions that will be very useful on your Apple computers. Some of the most important are:

  • iOS system recovery tool, a tool that will allow you to recover the data that has been deleted or disappeared from your device.
  • You can easily update each of your Apple computers without any problem.
  • For greater freedom, dr.fone does not depend on iTunes.
  • Dr.fone allows you to repair the iOS software, that is, you can solve problems that have to do with freezing the system, fix the Apple logo blank and many other highly useful functions.