Do you have 32 or 64 bit Windows? So you can know

Do you use a processor compatible with a 64-bit operating system? If so, are you using a 64-bit operating system? More specifically, how can you tell if Windows is 32 or 64 bits?

64-bit versions of Windows and 64-bit processors are becoming the norm. You may even notice the option to download a 64 or 32 bit version of a new game or application, or when you buy a new PC or laptop. Isn't it the same software?

The following explains how to check if the equipment is 64-bit or 32-bit and why it is important.

What is the difference between x86 and x64?

There are some good reasons why 64-bit Windows is better than its 32-bit counterpart. The two most important reasons relate to computing power.

First, a 64-bit processor can perform faster calculations and handle more data at the same time. Second, a 64-bit processor can store more memory locations, allowing it to use more RAM. In turn, the overall performance of the system increases, and everyone wins.

I will not delve too much into the differences. See the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit Windows for more information.

1.- Verify your system information

The first call port is the System Information of your computer. The System Information tool informs you about a lot of useful information about your PC, including the amount of RAM installed, the version of Windows you are using and if your system is 32 or 64 bits.

Press Windows Key + X and then select System. A new window will open. In Device Specifications, check the type of system. If you have a 64-bit processor, it will tell you. For example, I am using Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, on an x64-based processor:

Why it is useful: This is the fastest and easiest way to find out if you are running a 64-bit operating system, what processor model feeds your machine and how much RAM is currently installed.

2.- Use a Command Symbol in the Command

The command prompt will reveal all kinds of secrets and information about your system. In this case, you can use a single command to reveal if your system is 32 or 64 bits.

Type the command in the search bar of the Start menu, select the Best match result, then right-click and select Run as administrator. Once the command prompt opens, enter the following command:

set pro

The command instantly returns a list of information about your processor. There are a few bits of information that quickly reveal if you have a 32 or 64 bit operating system. Specifically, PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE, PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER, and the presence of the ProgramFiles folder (x86).

The processor architecture and the processor identifier include the number "64", which indicates a 64-bit processor. In addition, the ProgramFiles (x86) folder shows us that there are two program file folders, which also indicate a 64-bit operating system.

32-bit operating systems have only one program file folder, since the operating system can only use 32-bit programs, while a 64-bit system can use programs of both architectures.

Why it is useful: Using the command prompt gives you an immediate overview of your processor, rather than just the operating system. As you can see in the screenshot, the «set pro» command instantly reveals the type of architecture of your processor, its identifier, level, revision and other important information.

3.- Program Files

Spurring directly from the last method, simply navigating to the root directory of your main unit may be enough to do the trick.

The 32-bit versions of Windows will only include a single program file folder, while the two folders shown above will be present on any 64-bit system. The Program Files (x86) folder is where the applications that must run on 32-bit systems are installed. The main folder of program files is where all 64-bit applications reside.

Why it is useful: A lot of software now comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. While simply looking at the folders reveals whether you are in a 64-bit operating system or not, browsing the Program Files folder for 32-bit applications is a good way to see which applications you have installed. which might be worth updating to a 64-bit version.

4.- Verify the details of the Task Manager

Windows Task Manager contains a lot of information about the computer. You can also use it to find out if a program is 32 or 64 bits. If you see that your system uses both 32-bit and 64-bit software, you will know that your processor and operating system are 64-bit.

Press Windows Key + X and then select Task Manager. Now, switch to the Details tab. Right-click on the name of a column and open Select columns, scroll down and highlight Platform, then press OK. The Details tab of the Task Manager now shows if your software is 32 or 64 bits.

Why it is useful: The Details tab of the Task Manager gives you a lot of useful information at a glance. Adding the Platform tab also allows you to know the software architecture.

5.- 64 bit verifier

If somehow the four options above have not revealed whether your system is 32 or 64 bits, you have the software option.

The 64-bit Igorware Checker is a free Windows tool that quickly and efficiently checks the architecture of your system. 64bit Checker gives you information about the operating system, its CPU regarding its 64-bit compatibility, as well as the version of Windows that you are running.

On the Report tab, you have a plain text version of the information. You can copy and paste it into another program or save it as an HTML or text file.

Why it is useful: 64bit Checker tells you everything you need to know. You do not have to do anything technical or look for information, for example, if your processor can handle a 64-bit operating system. Run the application, read the table or text report and learn the specific details.

Do I have a 32 or 64 bit window?

The number of new 32-bit systems continues to decrease. Manufacturers and developers also recognize the change. Several popular distributions of Linux They are finishing their 32-bit versions. Nvidia stopped producing drivers for 32-bit versions of Windows in 2017. Apple removed 32-bit applications from the App Store in 2018, and Google has similar plans for the Play Store.

The world is moving from 32-bit operating systems. 64 bits has more power, can use more memory and is becoming the norm. Still not sure? The following explains how you can choose between a 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows.