Change the network name of a Windows computer

The computers, whether PC or Mac, can communicate with each other, if they are connected to the same network. It may take some setup time, but after that, it's really very easy. How to click on an object on your desktop. Macs will always appear on a network with an easy-to-use name and many Windows 10 machines will do the same. If your computer's network name is not easy to use, you can easily change the network name. And here we tell you how.

Change the network name of the Windows 10 PC

Before continuing, you should know that the computer's network name must not match your username. Similarly, your username will not change when you change the network name.

The name of the network is basically the name of the device configured in Windows 10. You can change it from the "Settings" application and from the Control Panel. The new name you set cannot include spaces. However, you can use a script instead.

Control Panel

Open the Control Panel and go to "System and Security." Then, click on "System" again. Now, click on "Advanced System Settings" in the left column.

Also, in the window that opens, go to the "Team Name" tab and click on the "Change" button. In the next window that opens, enter a name for your computer. Likewise, this name must not have more than 15 characters. Again, click "Accept." Windows 10 will tell you that it must be restarted to apply the change.

Configuration application

Now, open the "Configuration" application and go to the "System" configuration group. Select the "About" tab and scroll down to the "Device specifications" section. Click on the "Rename this PC" button.

Now, in the pop-up window that opens, enter the name with which you want your computer to appear on the network. As with the Control Panel method, you must restart your computer to apply the changes.

Change network name: settings should apply

Normally, the correct name should already be set when you configure Windows 10 on its first run. However, it is Windows 10 and sometimes, things don't always work correctly.

Also, the name is basically cosmetic, so you don't have to worry about breaking network links. The system's network address, which is a numerical value that users cannot see by default, is what is used to access it.

The name of the computer is there for the benefit of the users, since it is not easy to remember the local IP address of all the systems in a network.

Finally, you can change the network name as many times as you want. Similarly, the name is set on your system, so there is no way to configure it by network if you often connect to different networks.